
The text component enables you to use Backpack defined text styles.


Backpack React Native text component.


Day Night
bpk-component-text default iPhone 8 simulator bpk-component-text default iPhone 8 simulator - dark mode
bpk-component-text default Google Pixel emulator bpk-component-text default Google Pixel emulator - dark mode


Day Night
bpk-component-text emphasize iPhone 8 simulator bpk-component-text emphasize iPhone 8 simulator - dark mode
bpk-component-text emphasize Google Pixel emulator bpk-component-text emphasize Google Pixel emulator - dark mode


Day Night
bpk-component-text heavy iPhone 8 simulator bpk-component-text heavy iPhone 8 simulator - dark mode
bpk-component-text heavy Google Pixel emulator bpk-component-text heavy Google Pixel emulator - dark mode


Check the main Readme for a complete installation guide.


Note: If rendering emoji, please wrap them in BpkEmoji as this will preserve the correct line height when using a custom font.

                                                import React, { Component } from 'react';
                                                import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
                                                import BpkText, {
                                                } from 'backpack-react-native/bpk-component-text';
                                                import { spacingBase } from '@skyscanner/bpk-foundations-react-native/tokens/base.react.native';
                                                const styles = StyleSheet.create({
                                                  container: {
                                                    flex: 1,
                                                    justifyContent: 'center',
                                                    padding: spacingBase,
                                                export default class App extends Component {
                                                  render() {
                                                    return (
                                                      <View style={styles.container}>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='xxl'>Backpack rocks!</BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='xl' weight={WEIGHT_STYLES.heavy}>Backpack rocks!</BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='lg' weight={WEIGHT_STYLES.emphasized}>Backpack rocks!</BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='base'>Backpack rocks!</BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='sm'>Backpack rocks!</BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='xs'>Backpack rocks!</BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='caps'>BACKPACK ROCKS!</BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle="caps">BACKPACK ROCKS! <BpkEmoji>🎉</BpkEmoji></BpkText>
                                                        <BpkText textStyle='lg'>
                                                          <BpkText textStyle='inherit' weight='emphasized'>Backpack</BpkText> rocks!


Property PropType Required Default Value
children node true -
textStyle oneOf('xxl', 'xl', 'lg', 'base', 'sm', 'xs', 'caps', 'inherit') false base
weight oneOf('regular', 'emphasized', 'heavy') false regular
emphasize (deprecated, use weight) bool false false

Theme props

  • textFontFamily

NOTE: For Android we expect font names to follow a specific name convention for bold and heavy variations. E.g. if you provide a font called myFont to the textFontFamilytheme attribute, we expect two more fonts to be available, those are myFont_bold and myFont_black.