Image Gallery

Image Gallery

Maven Central Class reference Source code

Day Night
Image Gallery Carousel component Image Gallery Carousel component - dark mode


Day Night
Image Gallery Slideshow component Image Gallery Slideshow component - dark mode

Image Grid

Day Night
Image Gallery Image Grid component Image Gallery Image Grid component - dark mode

Chip Grid

Day Night
Image Gallery Chip Grid component Image Gallery Chip Grid component - dark mode


Backpack Compose is available through Maven Central. Check the main Readme for a complete installation guide.


Example of an image gallery carousel:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.carousel.rememberBpkCarouselState
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryCarousel
                                                val state = rememberBpkCarouselState(totalImages = totalImages)
                                                    state = state,
                                                    modifier = Modifier.height(100.dp),
                                                    onImageClicked = { index -> /* handle on click */ },
                                                ) { index ->
                                                    Image(painter = painterResource(id = imageResAtIndex(index)), contentDescription = "")

Example of an image gallery without categories:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.carousel.rememberBpkCarouselState
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGallerySlideshow
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryImage
                                                val modalState = rememberBpkModalState()
                                                val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
                                                    modifier = modifier,
                                                    state = modalState,
                                                    closeContentDescription = "",
                                                    initialImage = 0,
                                                    onCloseClicked = { coroutineScope.launch { modalState.hide() } },
                                                    onDismiss = { /* handle dismiss */ },
                                                    onImageChanged = { /* Handle on image change if needed (ie logging) */ },
                                                    images = listOf(
                                                            title = "",
                                                            description = "",
                                                            credit =  "",
                                                            content = { contentDescription, contentScale ->
                                                                // Image content

Example of an image gallery with categories and chips:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.carousel.rememberBpkCarouselState
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryChipCategory
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryChipGrid
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryImage
                                                val modalState = rememberBpkModalState()
                                                val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
                                                    modifier = modifier,
                                                    state = modalState,
                                                    initialCategory = 0,
                                                    closeContentDescription = "",
                                                    onCloseClicked = { coroutineScope.launch { modalState.hide() } },
                                                    onDismiss = { /* handle dismiss */ },
                                                    onImageChanged = { /* Handle on image change if needed (ie logging) */ },
                                                    onCategoryChanged = { /* Handle on category change if needed (ie logging) */ },
                                                    onImageClicked = { /* Handle on image clicked if needed (ie logging) */ },
                                                    categories =  listOf(
                                                            title = title,
                                                            images = listOf(
                                                                    title = "",
                                                                    description = "",
                                                                    credit =  "",
                                                                    content = { contentDescription, contentScale ->
                                                                        // Image content
                                                                // more images
                                                        // more categories

Example of an image gallery with categories and image chips:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.carousel.rememberBpkCarouselState
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryImageCategory
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryImageGrid
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.imagegallery.BpkImageGalleryImage
                                                val modalState = rememberBpkModalState()
                                                val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
                                                    modifier = modifier,
                                                    state = modalState,
                                                    initialCategory = 0,
                                                    closeContentDescription = "",
                                                    onCloseClicked = { coroutineScope.launch { modalState.hide() } },
                                                    onDismiss = { /* handle dismiss */ },
                                                    onImageChanged = { /* Handle on image change if needed (ie logging) */ },
                                                    onCategoryChanged = { /* Handle on category change if needed (ie logging) */ },
                                                    onImageClicked = { /* Handle on image clicked if needed (ie logging) */ },
                                                    categories =  listOf(
                                                            title = title,
                                                            images = listOf(
                                                                    title = "",
                                                                    description = "",
                                                                    credit =  "",
                                                                    content = { contentDescription, contentScale ->
                                                                        // Image content
                                                                // more images
                                                            content = {  /* Category image content */ },
                                                        // more categories