Infinite scroll

This higher-order component is used to wrap a list component and add the functionality to allow that list to load more elements as the user scrolls.


Loads five more list items upon reaching the bottom of the list.

Storybook failed to load.

One element per scroll

Loads one more list item upon reaching the bottom of the list.

Storybook failed to load.

Partial load

After 15 items have loaded, a button must be pressed to load more items.

Storybook failed to load.

Custom loading component

Storybook failed to load.


Backpack infinite scroll component.


Check the main Readme for a complete installation guide.


                                                import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
                                                import BpkButton from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-button';
                                                import BpkSpinner, { SPINNER_TYPES } from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-spinner';
                                                import withInfiniteScroll, {
                                                } from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-infinite-scroll';
                                                const SomeList = ({ elements }) => (
                                                  <div id="list">
                                                    { => (
                                                      <div key={element} style={{ height: '50px' }}>
                                                const elementsArray = [
                                                  'element 1',
                                                  'element 2',
                                                  'element 3',
                                                  'element 4',
                                                  'element 5',
                                                  'element 6',
                                                  'element 7',
                                                  'element 8',
                                                  'element 9',
                                                  'element 10',
                                                const CustomLoading = () => (
                                                    <BpkSpinner type={SPINNER_TYPES.primary} />
                                                const CustomSeeMore = ({ onSeeMoreClick }) => (
                                                    <BpkButton onClick={onSeeMoreClick}>See More</BpkButton>
                                                const InfiniteList = withInfiniteScroll(SomeList);
                                                const dataSource = new ArrayDataSource(elementsArray);
                                                export default () => (

Accompanying classes


DataSource is a class used by the BpkInfiniteScroll component to fetch items and listen for changes in the data and react to it by reloading the current items in the list.


fetchItems(index, nElements)

Called by the InfiniteScroll component every time new data is requested (by scrolling down) and should return the data starting from index plus nElements (number of elements). It should return a promise object.


                                                fetchItems(0, 5); // should return 5 items starting from position 0
                                                fetchItems(5, 5); // should return 5 items starting from position 5

Calling this method directly in the DataSource class will result in an error, it should be implemented by the subclass extending DataSource.


Adds a new change listener to this DataSource, to be called when data is updated. Returns true if added or false otherwise.


Removes the callback from the list of change listeners. Returns true if removed or false otherwise.


Triggers all listeners in response to data changes. This method should be used by subclasses to tell the InfiniteScroll component it should refresh its data.

                                                import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
                                                import withInfiniteScroll, { DataSource } from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-infinite-scroll';
                                                const SomeList = ({ elements }) => (
                                                  <div id="list">
                                                    { => (
                                                      <div key={element} style={{ height: '50px' }}>
                                                class RemoteFlightsDataSource extends DataSource {
                                                  constructor() {
                                                    myWebSocketConnection.on('dataChange', () => {
                                                      // tell the `InfiniteScroll` component to refresh its data
                                                  fetchItems(index, nElements) {
                                                    return fetch(`https://my-api/flights?start=${index}&count=${nElements}`);
                                                const InfiniteList = withInfiniteScroll(SomeList);
                                                export default () => (
                                                  <InfiniteList dataSource={new RemoteFlightsDataSource()} />


ArrayDataSource is a class that extends from DataSource. Accepts an array as a parameter in the constructor and uses it as source for the infinite scroll.

See Usage for an example of this class in use.


refer to the DataSource methods section for a list of all methods

fetchItems(index, nElements)

Returns a subset of the array data.


Updates the internal array and triggers all listeners.


Check out the full list of props on Skyscanner's design system documentation website.


Storybook failed to load.