Check out the monthly updates
Every month there's a written update packed with links, diagrams and shoutouts for anyone who has helped make something happen. It covers anything from new components, style changes, ongoing discussions, BPK Beta components, deprecated and replaced components, to new documentation.
It's lightweight, fast, and easy to digest. Enjoy.
Join the Backpack bi-weekly meeting
There's a bi-weekly meeting as a squad to go through the backlog. It shows what’s moving through the design process before it's handed over to Engineering.
It’s on Fridays at 11 am – ask the Backpack Team for an invite.
Listen in on the Backpack Advocates meeting
Every other Friday the Backpack Advocates 🥑 meet to discuss what’s happening in design. This feeds into the Click-up board of backlog items.
It’s on Fridays at 11 am – ask the Backpack Team for an invite.
How to self serve
Jira Kanban
To find out what's going on in design check out the Jira board. Ask the Backpack Team for access.
Open Slack channels
#backpack-design-chat – with a design focus, but aimed at everyone. Be sure to tag @design-system-web-gf and @design-system-app-gf if you have an engineering question.
#backpack – specifically for engineering updates within Backpack.
#web-engineering – for all engineering updates.
Closed Slack channels
#backpack-advocates – for design advocates, please ask for an invite.
#backpack-accessibility – for everyone, please ask for an invite.