Theming for supported components is done using the default Android theming mechanism.
Each supported component can be themed individually using the style property, or globally by setting {componentName}Style in your theme.
Define a theme in themes.xml
<style name="MyCustomTheme" parent="AppTheme">
<item name="bpkSwitchStyle">@style/BpkSwitch.Red</item>
<style name="BpkSwitch.Red" parent="">
<item name="switchPrimaryColor">@color/bpkPanjin</item>
You can theme all instances of BpkSwitch in your app/activity by setting the theme to MyCustomTheme, or change it to a single view by either setting the style to @style/BpkSwitch.Red or to your custom theme.
For supported attributes check each component's documentation.
Themeable colours
Backpack supports theming the following colours:
- bpkPrimaryColor
Those can be accessed programmatically using the BpkTheme class.