
Selects allow users to select from a single-option menu.


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Create a BPKSelect and pass a placeholder: String , a set of options: [String] and provide the selectedIndex property as a Binding<Int?>. If you want to show the placeholder text, provide a selectedIndex that is initially bound to nil

Select Showing Placeholder

                                                @State var selection: Int? = nil
                                                @State var choices = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
                                                BPKSelect(placeholder: "Placeholder",
                                                          options: choices,
                                                          selectedIndex: $selection)

Select With Item Selected

                                                @State var selection: Int? = 0
                                                @State var choices = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
                                                BPKSelect(placeholder: "Placeholder",
                                                          options: choices,
                                                          selectedIndex: $selection)

Observe the Selection

                                                BPKSelect(placeholder: "Placeholder",
                                                          options: choices,
                                                          selectedIndex: $selection)
                                                          .onChange(of: selection) { index in
                                                                        print("Selection changed: \(index)")

Changing the State

                                                BPKSelect(placeholder: "List Error State",
                                                          options: badChoices,
                                                          selectedIndex: $errorSelection)