Section header

Section Header

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Day Night

On Dark

Day Night


Basic section header with a title.

If you don't specify a style parameter it will use the .default type

                                                BPKSectionHeader(title: "Section title")

Section header with a title and description.

```swift BPKSectionHeader( title: "Section title", description: "Description about this section" )

### Section header with a title, description and trailing button. 

swift BPKSectionHeader( title: "Section title", description: "Description about this section") { BPKButton(icon: .addCircle, accessibilityLabel: "Add item") { print("Tap add button") } }

### Section header with a title, description, trailing button and onDark style. 

swift BPKSectionHeader( title: "Section title", description: "Description about this section", style: .onDark) { BPKButton(icon: .addCircle, accessibilityLabel: "Add item") { print("Tap add button") } } ```