Search Input Summary


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Basic Usage

Create a BPKSearchInputSummary and bind the text property to a Binding<String>. Another mandatory property is clearAction which is a struct with an accessibility label for the action, where you can explain what happens when a user clicks on the button, also you need provide an action as a closure.

                                                @State var text: String = ""
                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: { $text = "" }), text: $text)

Setting a placeholder

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(placeholder: "Enter", clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: {}), .constant(""))

Setting an inputPrefix

Default value is icon.

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(inputPrefix: .icon, clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: {}), text: $text)

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(inputPrefix: .customText("From"), clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: {}), text: $text)

Making the field in focused style

In case you need to make a field in focus visually (make borders look selected) you can set a focused style. This style is not affecting the keboard appearance or editing state in a field, it's only about the field appearance.

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: {}), text: $text)
                                                    .customStyle(.focused) // or .customStyle(.default)

Read only mode

In case you need a field would be uneditable you can pass readonly property into an inialiser. It prevents any actions on the text field, but the clear button would be still clickable.

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: { $text = "" }), readonly: true, text: $text)

UI Testing

To use the component in UI or smoke tests it's possible to access this element using the accessibility identifier: search_field


By default, BPKSearchInputSummary provides an accessibility value and traits. However, it's a good practice to set an accessibility label as well.

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: { $text = "" }), text: $text)
                                                    .accessibilityLabel("Custom input field")

There is a built-in announcement of a current value. However, if it's necessary, the custom value could be passed as a parameter. It can be useful for announcing dates, for example.

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(placeholder: "Date", clearAction: .init(accessibilityLabel: "Clear", action: {}), customAccessibilityValue: , .constant("Mon 01 Jan"))

Accessibility Label is always a value from placeholder parameter.