Search Input Summary


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Day Night


Create a BPKSearchInputSummary and bind the text property to a Binding<String>.

                                                @State var text: String = ""
                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(text: $text)

Setting a placeholder

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary("Placeholder", text: $text)

Setting an inputPrefix

Default value is icon.

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(inputPrefix: .icon, text: $text)

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(inputPrefix: .customText("From"), text: $text)

Changing the State

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(text: $text)

Adding a clear button

                                                @State var text: String = "some text"
                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(text: $text)
                                                            accessibilityLabel: "Clear",
                                                            action: { text = "" }

Passing input focused value

Default value is icon.

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(inputPrefix: .icon, text: $text)

                                                BPKSearchInputSummary(inputPrefix: .customText("From"), text: $text)

UI Testing

To use the component in UI or smoke tests it's possible to access this element using the accessibility identifier: search_field