
The rating component is used to represent a score as an exact number.


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The BPKRating component supports two different sizes, as defined by the BPKRatingSize enum. It also includes two rating scales, defined in BPKRatingScale. An optional subtitle is available, which will be hidden if it is set to nil. The visibility of the rating scale (either /5 or /10) is controlled by the showScale property. If a titleView is provided, the title string will be ignored.


                                                import Backpack
                                                let ratingWithTitle = BPKRating(
                                                    accessibilityLabel: "",
                                                    title: "Excellent",
                                                    value: 4.5,
                                                let starRating = BPKStarRating()
                                                starRating.rating = 4.5
                                                let ratingWithCustomView = BPKRating(
                                                    accessibilityLabel: "",
                                                    value: 4.5,
                                                    titleView: starRating
                                                let ratingWithAllPossibleArguments = BPKRating(
                                                    accessibilityLabel: "",
                                                    title: "Excellent",
                                                    value: 4.5,
                                                    ratingScale: .zeroToTen,
                                                    size: .large,
                                                    subtitle: "1,532 reviews",
                                                    showScale: false,