Card button

Found flights you like? The card button lets travellers share flights or save them for later.

Placement of card buttons

Place card buttons to the top right of a page or surface area.

Where to place card buttons

How to order card buttons

The ordering of the card buttons needs to be consistent across platforms and surfaces so travellers know what to expect.

Arrange the save card button furthest to the right when placed with other card buttons.

How to order card buttons


Don’t mix the order of card buttons.

How to order card buttons dont

Use the appropriate card button

Use the contained style when placing the card button over an image.

Use the right card button do

Don’t use the default style over an image.

Use the right card button dont

Use the card button component properly

Use the designated card button component for adding save and share functionality.

Use the card button component properly do

Don’t use Bpk icons instead of the card button.

Use the card button component properly dont

Don’t choose a different colour for the card buttons.

Use the card button component properly dont