
Alignment higher-order-components (HOCs) allow components to be aligned vertically within a given space.

Icon alignment within text with textStyle "Body Default"

Aligning an icon within text with textStyle "Body Default" can be done using withAlignment, providing suitable spacings.

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Using the HOC is done as follows:

                                                            import LongArrowRightIconSm from 'bpk-component-icon/sm/long-arrow-right';
                                                        import { withAlignment } from 'bpk-component-icon';
                                                        import { lineHeightBase, iconSizeSm, textColors } from '@skyscanner/bpk-foundations-web/tokens/base.es6';
                                                        import BpkText, { TEXT_STYLES } from 'bpk-component-text';
                                                        const AlignedArrow = withAlignment(
                                                          LongArrowRightIcon, lineHeightBase, iconSizeSm
                                                        <BpkText textStyle={TEXT_STYLES.bodyDefault}>
                                                          <AlignedArrow fill={textColors.textPrimaryDay}/>

Icon alignment within text with textStyle "Body Longform"

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Alignment can be achieved as follows:

                                                            import LongArrowRightIcon from 'bpk-component-icon/lg/long-arrow-right';
                                                        import { withAlignment } from 'bpk-component-icon';
                                                        import { lineHeightLg, iconSizeLg, textColors } from '@skyscanner/bpk-foundations-web/tokens/base.es6';
                                                        import BpkText, { TEXT_STYLES } from 'bpk-component-text';
                                                        const AlignedArrow = withAlignment(
                                                          LongArrowRightIcon, lineHeightLg, iconSizeLg
                                                        <BpkText textStyle={TEXT_STYLES.bodyLongform}>
                                                          <AlignedArrow fill={textColors.textPrimaryDay}/>

Text with textStyle "Body Default" alignment with an icon

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If wishing to use an icon taller than the text, alignment must be performed on the text as follows:

                                                            import SearchIcon from 'bpk-component-icon/lg/search';
                                                        import { withAlignment } from 'bpk-component-icon';
                                                        import { iconSizeLg, lineHeightBase, textColors } from '@skyscanner/bpk-foundations-web/tokens/base.es6';
                                                        import BpkText, { TEXT_STYLES } from 'bpk-component-text';
                                                        const AlignedSpan = withAlignment(
                                                          'span', iconSizeLg, lineHeightBase
                                                        <BpkText textStyle={TEXT_STYLES.bodyDefault}>
                                                          <SearchIcon fill={textColors.textPrimaryDay} />

Text with textStyle "footnote" alignment with an icon

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Similarly, to use a small text, line height and the BpkText wrapper need to use the small size:

                                                            import SearchIcon from 'bpk-component-icon/lg/search';
                                                        import { withAlignment } from 'bpk-component-icon';
                                                        import { iconSizeLg, lineHeightSm, textColors } from '@skyscanner/bpk-foundations-web/tokens/base.es6';
                                                        import BpkText, { TEXT_STYLES } from 'bpk-component-text';
                                                        const AlignedSpanSmall = withAlignment(
                                                          'span', iconSizeLg, lineHeightSm
                                                        <BpkText textStyle={TEXT_STYLES.footnote} >
                                                          <SearchIcon fill={textColors.textPrimaryDay} />

Icon alignment within a button

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HOC wrappers exist for common alignment tasks, such as aligning an icon within a button. Other examples can be seen in the buttons page.

                                                            import LongArrowRightIconSm from 'bpk-component-icon/sm/long-arrow-right';
                                                        import { withButtonAlignment } from 'bpk-component-icon';
                                                        import { textColors } from '@skyscanner/bpk-foundations-web/tokens/base.es6';
                                                        const AlignedArrow = withButtonAlignment(LongArrowRightIconSm);
                                                        <BpkButton >
                                                          Button Text
                                                          <AlignedArrow fill={textColors.textPrimaryInverseDay} />

Icon alignment within a large button

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Similarly, a HOC exists for aligning icons to a large button. Other examples can be seen in the buttons page.

                                                            import LongArrowRightIcon from 'bpk-component-icon/lg/long-arrow-right';
                                                        import { withLargeButtonAlignment } from 'bpk-component-icon';
                                                        const AlignedArrow = withLargeButtonAlignment(LongArrowRightIcon);
                                                        <BpkButton large >
                                                          Button Text
                                                          <AlignedArrow fill={textColors.textPrimaryInverseDay} />


The alignment HOCs are provided in the bpk-component-icon package. See Icons for installation instructions.