
We use colour to capture the full tonal range of the world of travel. Aligning our helpful, playful character with a palette that we can truly own.


We have different text styles to suit our range of Surfaces.

Product Text
Text On Dark

Status colours

These are for success, warning, and danger attributes, available as Spot colours and Fill colours. Spots apply to Icons, Fills apply to Surfaces.

Product Status


There can only be one canvas per screen, this is the bottom layer. Canvas Contrast is helpful when the screen contains many cards, this helps differentiate them from the canvas. Otherwiseyou can create more white space by using Canvas Default.

Product Canvas


A screen may contain many surfaces. These sit one layer above the Canvas. There are different options to give this more emphasis if needed, try Surface Contrast.

Product Surface

Elevated sheet

The highest layer on screen, so naturally the brightest. In Day Mode this is achieved through adding shadow to the sheet, in 🌛Night Mode we use Elevated Sheet to simulate elevation.

Surfaces sit on top of the canvas, you can have multiple surfaces on a single canvas.

Surface and Canvas on product

Other elements

Currently this is reserved for Dividing Lines, and Scrims.

Product Other

Core colours

These are our core brand accent colours. These should be used sparingly if there isn't any other appropriate sementic colour.

Product Core

Sky Blue

Effortless travel planning

Our accent colour, Skyscanner’s voice within Product pages. Sky Blue can be used a few ways.

  • A spot colour in UI for critical guidance points, info or gestures to progress, such as flight ‘search’ button, or FAB.
  • A flood of colour to emphasise our brand volume, such as a Graphic Promo
  • Text links – hyperlink text should only ever be Sky Blue
  • If you have one critical button in your flow, consider using Sky Blue (Primary Button) for the most emphasis.

On an entire screen, use Sky Blue sparingly. If we use it too much, then it just acts as noise.

Product Sky Blue

Dark Sky

Everything else

Meet Sky Blue and Eco Green’s best friend, Dark Sky. If you don’t have a good reason to help travellers, or help generations to come, use Dark Sky. Because of its lack of hue, it won’t flood the page with unnecessary distraction. Think of it like using black, only with a little more personality.

Product Dark Sky

Proportional usage

Proportional usage


Our Product colours have been designed with accessible combinations in mind.

  • Regular text (smaller than 24px or 19px bold) should have a minimum contrast of 4.5:1
  • Large text (24px or 19px bold and larger) should have a minimum contrast of 3:1
  • UI components should have a minimum contrast of 3:1
Product Colour Accesible Text