
Helping you to move more freely.

To see a list of all animation durations and their values please check the Overview tab.



Animations tokens are defined as integer resources in the format of bpkAnimationDuration{size}.

For example to use Sm as a dimension use @integer/bpkAnimationDurationSm in xml or R.integer.bpkAnimationDurationSm in code.


Animation tokens are defined as TimeIntervals in BPKDuration.

For example, to use sm use BPKDuration.animationDurationSm both in Swift and Obj-C.


Animation tokens are defined as Sass variables in the format of bpk-duration-{size}.

For example to use sm in Sass use bpk-duration-sm.

To use our animation Sass variables, install the @skyscanner/backpack-web NPM package.