
Skeleton components provides a standard way to build a skeleton loading view with shimmer animation.


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Skeleton component Skeleton component - dark mode


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Skeleton components is built for an composition with shimmer animation. It is often used for a loading screen or loading cards. There is a shimmer overlay which is to wrap the whole composition. There are 4 base elements with pre-selected size or custom size support: image skeleton, circle skeleton, headline skeleton and body text skeleton, they represent the real block as their name in a composition. You should put the whole composition into a shimmer overlay to add shimmer animation.

Example of a shimmer overlay:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.sleketon.BpkImageSkeleton
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.sleketon.BpkBodyTextSkeleton
                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.sleketon.BpkShimmerOverlay
                                                BpkShimmerOverlay(modifier = Modifier.width(200.dp).wrapContentHeight()){
                                                  Row() {
                                                    BpkImageSkeleton(modifier = Modifier.size(BpkSpacing.Xxl, BpkSpacing.Xxl))
                                                    BpkBodyTextSkeleton(modifier = Modifier.padding(start=BpkSpacing.Md).width(152.dp))

Image skeleton requires width and height dimension, you should specify them to get an expected size.

Example of a image skeleton:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.sleketon.BpkImageSkeleton
                                                BpkImageSkeleton(modifier = Modifier.size(BpkSpacing.Xxl.times(2), BpkSpacing.Xxl.times(2)),
                                                  cornerType = BpkSkeletonCornerType.Rounded)

Circle skeleton have pre-selected size. circleSize: small(32 dp), large(48 dp), custom(xx dp) You could specify a pre-selected size or a custom size.

Example of a circle skeleton:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.sleketon.BpkCircleSkeleton
                                                    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                                                    verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
                                                    horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceAround
                                                ) {
                                                  BpkCircleSkeleton(circleSize = BpkCircleSizeType.Custom(BpkSpacing.Xl))
                                                  BpkCircleSkeleton(circleSize = BpkCircleSizeType.Large)

Headline skeleton have pre-selected height. skeletonHeightSize: small(8 dp), medium(16 dp), large(32 dp), custom. You could specify a pre-selected height or a custom height. You should specify the width to any size to keep consistent with your design.

Example of a headline skeleton:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.sleketon.BpkHeadlineSkeleton
                                                  modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
                                                  verticalAlignment = Alignment.CenterVertically,
                                                  horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.SpaceEvenly
                                                ) {
                                                  BpkHeadlineSkeleton(modifier = Modifier.width(BpkSpacing.Xxl.times(2)), BpkSkeletonSizeType.Small)
                                                  BpkHeadlineSkeleton(modifier = Modifier.width(BpkSpacing.Xxl.times(2)), BpkSkeletonSizeType.Medium)
                                                  BpkHeadlineSkeleton(modifier = Modifier.width(BpkSpacing.Xxl.times(2)).height(50.dp), BpkSkeletonSizeType.Custom)

Body text skeleton have its own height(40 dp), you should never to reset it. You should only specify width for it.

Example of a body text skeleton:

                                                import net.skyscanner.backpack.compose.sleketon.BpkBodyTextSkeleton
                                                BpkBodyTextSkeleton(modifier = Modifier.width(BpkSpacing.Xxl.times(5)))