Navigation bar

The navigation bar component encapsulates a title and icon/text actions for controlling views.


Cocoapods class reference view on Github

Large - no back button

Day Night

Large - with back button

Day Night


Day Night

Large - with style onImage

Day Night

Collapsed - with style onImage

Day Night


BPKNavigationBar is an implementation of parts of UIKit's UINavigationBar, specifically the large title behaviour from iOS 11 and later. It is intended to be used when the main view of a view controller scrolls in which case the navigation bar tracks the state of the scroll view.

largeTitleTextColor can be used to adjust the colour of the large title and largeTitleLayoutMargins can be used to adjust the layout position of the large title.

style can be set to .default or .onImage. When the style is set to .onImage, the navigation bar will be transparent when expanded.


                                                #import <Backpack/NavigationBar.h>
                                                BPKNavigationBar *navigationBar = [[BPKNavigationBar alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
                                                // In viewDidLoad
                                                [navigationBar setUpForScrollview:myScrollView];
                                                // Optional setup of custom navigation buttons
                                                navigationBar.leftButton.hidden = NO;
                                                navigationBar.leftButton.title = @"Back";
                                                [navigationBar.leftButton addTarget:self action:@selector(leftButtonPressed) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
                                                navigationBar.rightButton.hidden = NO;
                                                navigationBar.rightButton.title = @"Done";
                                                [navigationBar.rightButton addTarget:self action:@selector(rightButtonPressed) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
                                                // In scrollViewDidScroll:
                                                [navigationBar updateWithScrollView:scrollView];
                                                // In scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:
                                                [navigationBar makeTitleVisibleWithScrollView:scrollView];
                                                // In scrollViewDidEndDragging:
                                                if (!willDecelerate) {
                                                  [navigationBar makeTitleVisibleWithScrollView:scrollView];


                                                import Backpack
                                                let navigationBar = BPKNavigationBar(frame: .zero)
                                                // In viewDidLoad
                                                navigationBar.setUp(for: myScrolView)
                                                // Optional setup of custom navigation buttons
                                                navigationBar.leftButton.isHidden = false
                                                navigationBar.leftButton.title = "Back"
                                                navigationBar.leftButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(leftButtonPressed), for: .touchUpInside)
                                                navigationBar.rightButton.isHidden = false
                                                navigationBar.rightButton.title = "Done"
                                                navigationBar.rightButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(rightButtonPressed), for: .touchUpInside)
                                                // In scrollViewDidScroll:
                                                navigationBar.update(with: scrollView)
                                                // In scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:
                                                navigationBar.makeTitleVisible(with: scrollView)
                                                // In scrollViewDidEndDragging:
                                                if !decelerate {
                                                  navigationBar.makeTitleVisible(with: scrollView)

Appearance attributes

  • (UIColor *)largeTitleTextColor

  • (BPKNavigationBarStyle) style