
A suite of icons for representing concepts, features and actions.


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Day Night


BPKIcon contains the Backpack Icon component. It supports rendering any Backpack icon to UIImages using a caching mechanism to reduce performance impact. A UI component IconView/BPKIconView is also available for simple icon case where an icon is to be displayed with a tint color.

**Note: All icons are available in two sizes - small and large.**


Using BPKIconView

                                                #import <Backpack/Color.h>
                                                #import <Backpack/Icon.h>
                                                BPKIconView *iconView = [[BPKIconView alloc] initWithIconName:BPKIconNameAccessibility size:BPKIconSizeLarge];
                                                iconView.tintColor = BPKColor.blue500;

Render icon to UIImage

                                                #import <Backpack/Color.h>
                                                #import <Backpack/Icon.h>
                                                UIImage *renderedIcon = [BPKIcon smallIconNamed:BPKSmallIconNameFlight color:BPKColor.skyGray];


Using IconView

                                                import Backpack
                                                let iconView = BPKSmallIconView(iconName: .accessibility)
                                                iconView.tintColor = BPKColor.blue500
Flip icons with a horizontal direction when layout direction is right to left

                                                import Backpack
                                                let iconView = BPKSmallIconView(iconName: .arrowLeft)
                                                iconView.flipsForRightToLeft = true

Render icon to UIImage

                                                import Backpack
                                                let renderedIcon = BPKIcon.makeSmallIcon(name: .flight, color: BPKColor.skyGray)