Horizontal navigation

A simple navigation component, ideal for representing a section of a page that links to other pages or views within the page.


Cocoapods class reference view on Github


Day Night


Day Night

With icons

Day Night

With no line

Day Night


BPKHorizontalNavigation is a component similar to Segmented Control. It shows two or more segments, each being a distinct option for travellers to switch between. Each option is defined with a string, and optionally a BPKIcon name too.


                                                import Backpack
                                                typealias DefaultNav = BPKHorizontalNavigation<BPKHorizontalNavigationSizeDefault>
                                                let options = [
                                                    .text("Flights", tag: 0),
                                                    .text("Hotels", tag: 1),
                                                    .text("Car Hire", tag: 2),
                                                let horizontalNavigation: DefaultNav = DefaultNav(options: options, selectedItemIndex:0)
                                                horizontalNavigation.showsSelectedBar = false
                                                horizontalNavigation.appearance = .normal


The component doesn't directly support Objective-C, but an Objective-C compatible shim is provided for the most common use cases.

If you need capabilities not provided by this shim use Swift instead of Objective-C and create your own Objective-C compatible variant for use from Objective-C if you absolutely need the Objective-C support.

                                                @import Backpack;
                                                NSArray<id<BPKHorizontalNavigationOptionTypeObjc>> *options = @[
                                                    [[BPKHorizontalNavigationOptionObjc alloc] initWithName:@"Flights" tag:0 iconName:nil],
                                                    [[BPKHorizontalNavigationOptionObjc alloc] initWithName:@"Hotels" tag:1 iconName:nil],
                                                    [[BPKHorizontalNavigationOptionObjc alloc] initWithName:@"Car hire" tag:2 iconName:nil]
                                                BPKHorizontalNavigation *horizontalNavigation = [[BPKHorizontalNavigationObjc alloc] initWithOptions:options selectedItemIndex:0];
                                                horizontalNavigation.showsSelectedBar = YES;
                                                horizontalNavigation.appearance = BPKHorizontalNavigationAppearanceNormal;

Custom Horizontal Navigation Segments

Horizontal Navigation can use custom segments in Swift. To achieve this, implement a custom type that conforms to BPKHorizontalNavigationOption and return your own view (a subclass of UIControl that implements the protocol BPKHorizontalNavigationItem) for makeItem. Ensure the height of your view is similar to that of those rendered when the built-in options are used directly for all the sizes that the component supports.


The component supports configuring the selection colour with selectedColor, but due to a bug with Swift/UIKit it does not support setting this via UIAppearance. Use an explicit wrapper view to support theming.

For example:

                                                import Backpack 
                                                class MyNav: UIView {
                                                  let nav: BPKHorizontalNavigation<BPKHorizontalNavigationSizeDefault>
                                                  @objc dynamic var selectedColor: UIColor? {
                                                      didSet {
                                                        nav.selectedColor = selectedColor
                                                  // ...omitted