
The flare enables you to display content with a pointer to directional content.


Cocoapods class reference view on Github


Day Night


BPKFlareView receives a ViewBuilder that will be used to render the content of the flare.

Centering content in the flare

You'll need to add extra padding to the bottom or top of the content depending on the direction of the flare.

                                                BPKFlareView {
                                                    Text("Hello World")
                                                BPKFlareView(direction: .top) {
                                                    Text("Hello World")

Medium Flare Size

                                                BPKFlareView {
                                                    Text("Hello World")

Rect Corners

                                                BPKFlareView(roundedCorners: false) {
                                                    Text("Hello World")

Direction Top

                                                BPKFlareView(direction: .top) {
                                                    Text("Hello World")

Small Flare Size

BPKFlareView(size: .small) { Text("Hello World") }

### Large Flare Size

BPKFlareView(size: .large) { Text("Hello World") } ```