
Dialogs inform users about a specific task and may contain critical information, or require decisions or acknowledgement.


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BPKDialog works as a ViewModifier that can be applied to any SwiftUI View. It's presented by binding the presented property to a Binding<Bool>.

                                                @State var isPresented = false
                                                var body: some View {
                                                    BPKButton("Show dialog") {
                                                        presented: $isPresented,
                                                        title: "Success Dialog!",
                                                        text: "You have completed this task.",
                                                        confirmButton: BPKDialogButton("Confirm") { isPresented.toggle() }

Setting Actions

Dialogs can have actions associated with them, in the form of buttons or by tapping outside of the dialog. These are represented by BPKDialogButton instances.

The dialog will decide what style of button to use based on the type of dialog.

You can also set the action to be performed when the dialog is dismissed by tapping outside of it by setting the onTouchOutside property.

                                                Text("Screen content")
                                                        presented: $isPresented,
                                                        title: "Success Dialog!",
                                                        text: "You have completed this task.",
                                                        confirmButton: BPKDialogButton("Confirm") { isPresented.toggle() },
                                                        secondaryButton: BPKDialogButton("Secondary") { isPresented.toggle() },
                                                        linkButton: BPKDialogButton("Learn more") { isPresented.toggle() },
                                                        onTouchOutside: { isPresented.toggle() }

Success Dialog

                                                Text("Screen content")
                                                        presented: $isPresented,
                                                        title: "Success Dialog!",
                                                        text: "You have completed this task.",
                                                        confirmButton: BPKDialogButton("Confirm") { isPresented.toggle() }

Warning Dialog

                                                Text("Screen content")
                                                        presented: $isPresented,
                                                        title: "Warning Dialog!",
                                                        text: "Be careful with this task.",
                                                        confirmButton: BPKDialogButton("Confirm") { isPresented.toggle() }

Destructive Dialog

                                                Text("Screen content")
                                                        presented: $isPresented,
                                                        title: "Destructive Dialog!",
                                                        text: "This task is very dangerous.",
                                                        confirmButton: BPKDialogButton("Confirm") { isPresented.toggle() }

Image Dialog

                                                Text("Screen content")
                                                        presented: $isPresented,
                                                        image: Image("your_image"),
                                                        title: "Look at this image!",
                                                        text: "Isn't it great?",
                                                        confirmButton: BPKDialogButton("Confirm") { isPresented.toggle() }

Flare Dialog

                                                Text("Screen content")
                                                        presented: $isPresented,
                                                        image: Image("your_flare_image"),
                                                        title: "Look at this flare!",
                                                        text: "Isn't it great?",
                                                        confirmButton: BPKDialogButton("Confirm") { isPresented.toggle() }