
Buttons help our travellers make all kinds of action, from logging in to booking that dream trip.




The Backpack primary button is available in two sizes and comes with styles for hover, active and disabled states.

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Primary on Dark

This button can be used on dark coloured backgrounds.

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Primary on Light

This button can be used on light coloured backgrounds.

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Similar to the primary button, the secondary version is available in two sizes and comes with styles for hover, active and disabled states.

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Secondary on Dark

This button can be used on dark coloured backgrounds.

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This button is reserved for featured actions.

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This button can be used to highlight destructive actions.

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As links, Link buttons are used as a tertiary means of triggering actions. The styling of Link buttons is different from links due to the vertical padding applied to Link buttons. Like all other buttons, these are available in two sizes and have hover, active and disabled states.

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This button can be used on light coloured backgrounds.

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Loading Buttons

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Full Width

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Backpack button component.


Check the main Readme for a complete installation guide.


                                                import { withButtonAlignment, withRtlSupport } from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-icon';
                                                import ArrowIcon from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-icon/sm/long-arrow-right';
                                                import { BpkButtonV2, BUTTON_TYPES, SIZE_TYPES } from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-button';
                                                const AlignedArrowIcon = withButtonAlignment(withRtlSupport(ArrowIcon));
                                                export default () => (
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 size={SIZE_TYPES.large}>Large primary</BpkButtonV2>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 type={BUTTON_TYPES.secondary}>Secondary</BpkButtonV2>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 type={BUTTON_TYPES.secondaryOnDark}>SecondaryOnDark</BpkButtonV2>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 type={BUTTON_TYPES.link}>Link</BpkButtonV2>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 type={BUTTON_TYPES.linkOnDark}>LinkOnDark</BpkButtonV2>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 type={BUTTON_TYPES.primaryOnDark}>PrimaryOnDark</BpkButtonV2>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 type={BUTTON_TYPES.primaryOnLight}>PrimaryOnLight</BpkButtonV2>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 iconOnly>
                                                      <AlignedArrowIcon />
                                                      <span className="visually-hidden">Search</span>
                                                    <BpkButtonV2 fullWidth>Full Width</BpkButtonV2>


Check out the full list of props on Skyscanner's design system documentation website.

Button props

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Backpack loading button component.


Check the main Readme for a complete installation guide.


                                                import BpkLoadingButton from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-loading-button';
                                                import BaggageIcon from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-icon/sm/baggage';
                                                import { withButtonAlignment, withRtlSupport } from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-icon';
                                                const AlignedBaggageIcon = withButtonAlignment(withRtlSupport(BaggageIcon));
                                                const icon = <AlignedBaggageIcon />;
                                                export default () => (
                                                    <BpkLoadingButton large>Large primary</BpkLoadingButton>
                                                    <BpkLoadingButton secondary>Secondary</BpkLoadingButton>
                                                    <BpkLoadingButton iconOnly>
                                                      <span className="visually-hidden">Search</span>
                                                    <BpkLoadingButton icon={icon} iconDisabled={icon}>Custom Icon</BpkLoadingButton>


Check out the full list of props on Skyscanner's design system documentation website.

Loading button props

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Backpack close button component.


Check the main Readme for a complete installation guide.


                                                import BpkCloseButton from '@skyscanner/backpack-web/bpk-component-close-button';
                                                export default () => (
                                                  <BpkCloseButton label="Close" onClick={() => console.log('click')} />

Close button props

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