
Buttons help our travellers make all kinds of action, from logging in to booking that dream trip.


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Day Night

Primary On Light

Day Night

Primary On Dark

Day Night


Day Night

Secondary On Dark

Day Night


Day Night
Day Night
Day Night
Day Night


BPKButton contains the Backpack Button component which is a subclass of UIButton with Skyscanner styles. It accepts a Backpack font style to set the desired size, style and positioning properties. There's an isLoading property that if we set to YES will show an ActivityIndicator, also it will automatically set the enabled property to NO blocking the user interaction and it will change the style to a disable look and feel. Setting the isLoading property to NO again will restore the predefined style.


                                                #import <Backpack/Button.h>
                                                BPKButton *button = [[BPKButton alloc] initWithSize:BPKButtonSizeDefault style:BPKButtonStylePrimary];
                                                [button setTitle:@"My Button"];
                                                // Position button with autolayout or other method

With Icon

                                                #import <Backpack/Button.h>
                                                #import <Backpack/Icon.h>
                                                UIImage *icon = [BPKIcon templateIconNamed:@"long-arrow-right" size:BPKIconSizeSmall];
                                                BPKButton *button = [[BPKButton alloc] initWithSize:BPKButtonSizeDefault style:BPKButtonStylePrimary];
                                                [button setTitle:@"My Button"];
                                                [button setImage:icon];
                                                // Position button with autolayout or other method


                                                import Backpack
                                                let button = BPKButton(size: .default, style: .primary)
                                                button.title = "My Button"
                                                // Position button with autolayout or other method

With Icon

                                                import Backpack
                                                let icon = BPKIcon.makeTemplateIcon(name: .longArrowRight, size: .small)
                                                let button = BPKButton(size: .default, style: .primary)
                                                button.title = "My Button"
                                                button.image = icon
                                                // Position button with autolayout or other method

Dynamic Text

BPKButton doesn't currently support Dynamic Text, but this is planned for a later release.

Appearance attributes

  • (UIColor)primaryContentColor

  • (UIColor)primaryGradientStartColor

  • (UIColor)primaryGradientEndColor

  • (UIColor)featuredContentColor

  • (UIColor)featuredGradientStartColor

  • (UIColor)featuredGradientEndColor

  • (UIColor)linkContentColor

  • (UIColor)secondaryContentColor

  • (UIColor)secondaryBackgroundColor

  • (UIColor)secondaryBorderColor

  • (UIColor)destructiveContentColor

  • (UIColor)destructiveBackgroundColor

  • (UIColor)destructiveBorderColor