Bottom sheet

Bottom sheets are views rendered on top of screen content, containing supplementary content that are anchored to the bottom of the screen.



Cocoapods class reference view on Github


Day Night


In Podfile add

pod 'Backpack/BottomSheet'

and then run pod install.


Bottom Sheet

Backpack/BottomSheet is a component for presenting a floating panel similar to the one used in Apple Maps, Stocks and other native Apple apps.


                                                import Backpack
                                                let contentViewController = ... // A view controller that contains any kind of scroll view
                                                let bottomSheet = BPKBottomSheet(contentViewController: contentViewController,
                                                                              scrollViewToTrack: contentViewController.scrollView)
                                                bottomSheet.present(in: self, animated: true, completion: nil)

With an intrinsic height

When you want to present a view that does not scroll, you can create a Bottom Sheet without passing in a scroll view. The view will then use the size of the contents to determine the size.

                                                import Backpack
                                                let contentViewController = ... // A view controller
                                                let bottomSheet = BPKBottomSheet(contentViewController: contentViewController)
                                                bottomSheet.present(in: self, animated: true, completion: nil)

With a fixed bottom section

                                                import Backpack
                                                let contentViewController = ... // A view controller that contains any kind of scroll view
                                                let fixedBottomSectionViewController = ... // A view controller that will be fixed at the bottom (won't scroll)
                                                let bottomSheet = BPKBottomSheet(contentViewController: contentViewController,
                                                                              scrollViewToTrack: contentViewController.scrollView,
                                                                              bottomSectionViewController: fixedBottomSectionViewController)
                                                bottomSheet.present(in: self, animated: true, completion: nil)

Persistent presentation style, similar to the one used in Apple Maps.

                                                import Backpack
                                                let contentViewController = ... // A view controller that contains any kind of scroll view
                                                let fixedBottomSectionViewController = ... // A view controller that will be fixed at the bottom (won't scroll)
                                                let bottomSheet = BPKBottomSheet(contentViewController: contentViewController,
                                                                              scrollViewToTrack: contentViewController.scrollView,
                                                                              bottomSectionViewController: fixedBottomSectionViewController,
                                                                              presentationStyle: .persistent)
                                                bottomSheet.addPanel(toParent: self)

Moving the Bottom Sheet

You can move the Bottom Sheet, by calling the move function. In snapshot tests you need to set animated to false, to make sure you get the correct Bottom Sheet state.

The animated parameter is optional and has a default value of true

                                                bottomSheet.move(to: <BPKFloatingPanelPosition>, animated: false)